What we do

LWC is committed to breaking down barriers for care-experienced aspiring lawyers
Facilitating both long-term (2+ year commitment, 1 hour a month) mentoring for care-experienced aspiring lawyers (18+) by leading barristers and solicitors and short-term 'drop in' mentoring for applications and interview advice with our wider LWC network of lawyers;
Facilitating training for long-term mentors in care-experience and trauma, in turn helping care-experienced aspiring lawyers feel seen;
Providing a service to virtual schools and colleges to bring the law back down to earth by facilitating workshops for care-experienced young people (ran by care-experienced lawyers/aspiring lawyers) in legal rights, legal pathways and roleplay moot courts/mock trials;
Creating resources for care-experienced aspiring lawyers e.g. our 'Inclusion Inventory' which details paid work experience opportunities;
Creating networks with law firms and chambers to provide more paid work experience opportunities for CEP;
Providing a sense of community and belonging for care-experienced young people to feel seen in the profession for who they are;
Erasing stigma and empowering care-experienced aspiring lawyers to believe in themselves in legal professions.